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What Is An Independent Catholic School?

bjams is an independent catholic school.All Saints Catholic Academy is an independent Catholic school.  This means that All Saints Catholic Academy has no specific connection to a particular parish, nor are we funded by a parish. The school’s relationship with the Roman Catholic Church is overseen by the Bishop of Burlington in all matters of faith and religious education; otherwise we are governed by a Board of Trustees. This independent status allows our Board of Trustees to craft an environment that closely suits our community. We are independent from the Diocese of Burlington in decision making powers and in finances.

catholic tradition

“Do to no one what you yourself dislike.  Give to the hungry some of your bread and to the naked some of your clothing.  Seek counsel from every wise man.  At all times bless the Lord God, and ask him to make all your paths straight and to grant success to all your endeavors and plans.”
-The Prophet Tobit

All Saints Catholic Academy, its teachers and administration, seek to live out this example.

The Catholic religion is built on both scripture and tradition. The students at All Saints Catholic Academy receive both. Students are not only taught about Catholic tradition and social teaching, but more importantly, they are immersed in it. From the Wednesday Masses, Eucharistic Adoration, and daily religion classes, to the school’s requirement that all students participate in service to the community, the student’s Code of Conduct, and respect for their peers and teachers, All Saints Catholic Academy works to instill love of God and neighbor.